This is where it starts – 1 of 365

When I decided to do this 365-day photo project I thought of what my first shot would be.  I read somewhere that the first line of a book is the most important as it sets the tone and possibly even the success of the book.  “It was the best of times, it was the worse of times”.

My first photo needed to do just that, set the tone for what I hoped to accomplish.  As I thought about the pitfalls of such a project; as I came up with all the different ways that I would fail; as I procrastinated; as I did all the things that I do to not move forward with a god idea or dream I realized how easy it was for me to do these things because I did them in the comfort of my home

This place with its white walls that I am too lazy to paint; this place with too many pillows and mostly thrift store furniture; this place with incense burning almost every day and a rabbit ear antenna on my flat screen TV because I am sick and tired spending so much money for cable – this is where I start and where I end my day.  This is where I get my ideas and where I talk myself out of those ideas.  This is where I deal with life’s joys and laugh and it is also where I deal with life’s hard hand and cry. 

This is my home and it is where I start and end more than just my day. 

 So this is where I start my project…and this is the first photo that I took.